Clinical Negligence Solicitors in Slough/ Medicial Negligence Solicitors in Hayes/ Medicial Negligence Solicitors in Southall

Medical/Clinical negligence claims arise when a medical practitioner, such as a doctor, nurse, midwife or dentist, or an institutional health provider, such as an NHS or Foundation Trust or a private hospital, breaches his or its duty of care to the claimant, who is injured as a result of the breach. The claimant may seek legal advice following an adverse outcome from medical treatment.

Our Solicitors are highly experienced in handling the following claims if you have experienced negligence.

We are experts in :

GP Negligence NHS Negligence
Hospital Negligence Birth Injury
Mental Health Claims Chronic Pain compensation

How We Work?

We follow a step by step approach:

  • First Enquiry – Contacted by the client
  • Accepting the case – We will access your case on the basis of merits
  • Medicial Records- if we decide to accept your case your medical records will be requested
  • Evidence- In order to determine that the treatment that you had received caused the injury and was negligent or the treatment worsened the existing health condition we will request medical evidence
  • Negotiation stage- After gathering all the medical evidence once we are in a receipt of all the conclusive evidences, claim will be served to the defendant inviting them to accept liability. If the defendant accepts liability, we will then negotiate a suitable compensation for you on your behalf in order to bring you in a position as you were before the negligent treatment was carried out.
  • Compensation- We understand any amount of compensation is not enough to compensate your pain and suffering but it can ease your life a bit and allow you to go back in to normal life as much as possible. Compensation will cover your losses such as loss of earning, out of pocket expenses, costs of private treatment bills, rehabilitation costs including compensation for your injuries and the future impact on your day to day life

We may Work on a NO Win NO FEE basis

‘No Win No Fee’ agreement (also Known as  a ‘Conditional Fee Agreement’ or ‘CFA’).

What do I pay if I lose?

If you lose you will normally have the benefit of Qualified One-Way Cost Shifting so the court will not usually enforce an order for costs against you, unless:

  • the proceedings have been struck out; or
  • the claim is fundamentally dishonest; or
  • the claim includes a claim for the financial benefit of someone else.

If you lose, you do not pay our charges but we may require you to pay our expenses and disbursements.

Let’s Connect

Phone Number
07958623124, 01753382782

Email Address

Slough Office
First floor, Suite 2 Aurora House, 105 High Street, Slough, SL1 1DH, UK

Hayes Virtual Office
By appointments only

Southall Virtual Office
By appointments only

Paying us if you win

If you win your claim, you pay our basic charges our expenses and disbursements and a success fee together with the premium for any insurance you take out. You are entitled to seek recovery from your opponent part of or all of our basic charges and our expenses and disbursements, but not the success fee of any insurance premium.

The overall amount we will charge you for our basic charges, success fees, expenses and disbursements is limited as set out below:

Grade Fee Earner Hourly Fee
A Solicitors and legal executives with over 8 years’ experience £ 512
B Solicitors and legal executives with over 4 years’ experience £ 348
C Other solicitors or legal executives and fee earners of equivalent experience £ 270
D Trainee solicitors, paralegals and other fee earners £ 186

It may be that your opponent makes formal offer to settle your claim which you reject on our advice, and your claim for damages goes ahead to trial where you recover damages that are less than that offer. If this happened, we will not add our success fee to the basic charges for the work done after we received notice of the offer of payment. In these circumstances, you may be ordered to pay your opponent’s costs, but only up to the amount of the damages and interest awarded to you.

*Please refer to our ‘Key Personnel’ page for information about our Staff/Solicitors


How We Work

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Capital One Services Solicitors Ltd is a leading law firm in the UK. We have expert family Solicitors and Expert Immigration Solicitors in Slough, Hayes (virtual office) and Southall.

Our Solicitors have extensive knowledge in their field of expertise. Our Solicitors spend a lot of time with their clients to ensure that they are aware of the situation and the pros and cons. We have a culture of long-lasting client relationships built on trust. Our Offices are in Slough, Hayes (Virtual Office) and Southall We are aiming to expand our business.